Whatcha Drinking? How Healthy is the Water at Work? Why Does it Matter?

Bottled water systems, filtration systems, and water fountains, are “good” in the fact that they hydrate us, but it’s still possible that employees are consuming unhealthy water without even realizing it. Many employers are simply unaware that the drinking water they provide (with bottled water systems, for example) may still contain bacteria, chemicals, additives, or mineral deposits such as chlorine, lead, parasites, fluoride, and sediment.

Water is water, right? Wrong. 

OSHA requires that drinking water meets both state/local authority OR national standards…not both. Drinking water is regulated by the FDA and EPA, each with different missions and standards. Even if your water looks, tastes, and smells just fine, there is still a chance the water you and your employees are drinking is neither healthy nor pure. Bacteria buildup from improper cleaning practices, germs on the drinking water system, and lack of appropriate maintenance and storage are just a few of the ways your water system may be wreaking havoc on your employees. What’s hiding in your water?

1. Additional Sick Days

According to the Green Business Bureau, companies that promote a healthier workplace report a 20% decrease in the number of sick days used by employees.

The handling of your company’s water system may be contributing to sick days.

When was the last time your bottle was changed or your filtration system was cleaned? Was it in the past 3-4 weeks? Who cleaned it? Are you 100% positive he or she washed his or her hands? If you cannot answer each of these questions confidently, your water may be contaminated with germs and bacteria.

Improper cleaning or maintenance practices or complete lack of maintenance all contribute to bacteria build-up and contamination. For example, commercially bottled water operate on an open reservoir system. This means sneezes, dirty hands, and airborne contaminants and whatever else that touches the neck of the bottle end up in your drinking water.

2. Wasted Money

Filtered and regulated water will not eliminate the surface germs on your drinking water system. They can be breeding grounds for viruses such as diarrhea and the flu. Avoidance of workplace drinking water is a common and often unrecognized problem we encounter with competitive products. Did you know surveys show that 76% of Americans will NOT drink from a water fountain? We don’t blame them. Water fountain surfaces are proven to have more bacteria than a toilet seat.

Avoidance of company drinking water can be due to lack of trust, or, your employees just do not like the taste. We suggest reaching out to your employees for feedback. Taste the Pure Water Technology difference with a FREE TRIAL!

Lower price ≠ lower cost. In most situations, our customers are spending less with our systems compared to bottled water – often saving over 30%. One of our clients saved over $20,000 in just 5 years!

3. Increased Liability

In a previous blog post, we mentioned the correlation between improper hydration in the workplace and increased workplace accidents, mistakes, and waste. One solution to this was to provide more accessible and appealing drinking water for employees.

Even with accessible, appealing workplace drinking water, many competitive products pose significant liability risks. Heavy lifting and labor, slip-and-falls, storage-and-handling, and security are all indirect factors to consider. According to Insurance Journal, ‘overexertion’ and ‘falls on the same level’ were the top causes of workplace injuries in 2012, accounting for more than $25 billion in workers’ compensation costs in the U.S.

Speaking of storage…Where is your water being stored? Bottled water should never be exposed to direct sunlight. Bottled water stored in a room temperature area for over 30 days causes bacteria to grow rapidly. Some people opt to add lemon to their water – not Cryptosporidium, Coliform, or E-coli which can be traced back to those misleading filler words.

Who is changing the water bottle on your cooler? What is the company protocol for when water spills? Where is your water being stored? These are unnecessary risks that can be avoided with a water purification system.

Say Goodbye to Gross Water

The only way to make sure your water is completely pure is through the elimination of airborne contamination and microbiological contamination. Pure Water Technology’s water purification systems deliver 100% pure water: free of chemicals, bacteria, sediment, and indirect costs.

What are you really drinking? The results may surprise you. Sign up for a free water quality test or contact us at (888) 581-7873 to find out.


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