4 Reasons Why To Ditch Your Bottle Water Habit

Ditch Bottled Water

Water is essential to all life. For people, it prevents dehydration, regulates body temperature, provides joint support, protects your spine, and supports the removal of waste. However, not all water is created equal. In the United States, we have been led to believe that bottled water is superior to other water sources, but is that truly the case? After reading this article you’ll think twice on how you choose to stay hydrated in your workplace.

Where Does Bottled Water Comes From?

Bottled water typically comes from one of two sources: either from a natural source or from a municipal source. Bottles that mention spring water are naturally sourced, but can have misleading names or labels which convince consumers the spring source is a remote glacier. Whereas the water may be actually sourced in the Northeast. Bottles that are labeled as purified typically come from the same source as tap water that is fed to the bottling facility. The difference is that purified water undergoes additional filtration and is then stored in plastic.

1) Bottled water has a lack of industry trust.

Unlike tap water which is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), bottled water is regulated through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The standards enforced by the FDA must match and even at times exceed those of the EPA. Access to information regarding contamination levels is more limited for bottled water compared to tap water which has disclosure requirements. FDA regulation is also not required if the water and bottles do not cross state lines.


2) There’s more in your botter water than just water; Microplastics.

On paper it appears that bottled water should be the most pure option available. However, a study in 2018 which tested 11 common bottled water products from 9 countries suggests otherwise. During testing, it was found that of the 259 bottles processed, 93% contained microplastic contamination. Microplastic contamination in bottled water is when small unrecognizable plastic particles are present and the consumer risks ingesting them.


3) Bottled water has a harmful environmental impact

Bottled water distributors have gone to great lengths to utilize recyclable materials such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and high density polyethylene (HDPE) in efforts to minimize environmental impact. Unfortunately, these efforts are only useful if a majority of their bottles are recycled by the consumer.

In 2020, 15 billion gallons of bottled water were consumed in the United States. This is the equivalent of approximately 113.6 billion 16.9oz bottles of water. It is estimated that only 30% of water bottles are recycled which is equivalent to approximately 79.52 billion 16.9oz bottles a year contributing towards pollution or sitting in a landfill.

Additional negative environmental impacts are caused by the large amounts of energy required to create the plastic bottled used for water. The energy input required to produce the amount of bottles that were consumed in 2020 is equal to approximately 89.2 million barrels of oil.


4) Bottled water is costly

Bottled water is convenient, yes we admit it. It provides a means of getting the water you require in situations that it is not readily available. However, is this small convenience worth the price? The cost of continuous bottled water use is exponentially larger than the use of tap water. In 2022, the average cost for bottled water is $1.98 per bottle. This is staggering compared to the average price of $1.50 for 1,000 gallons for tap water.

Not to mention, the workers compensation case risk of assigning an employee to pick up and deliver bottled water for the office, or the costs associated for bottle water delivery services only to have delays or missed deliveries.

What Should I Replace My Bottled Water With At The Office?

Pure Water Technology’s water purification systems are the best eco friendly alternatives to bottled water and tap water. Our service team supports by connecting the commercial water purification units to the existing tap water lines. Then, the water undergoes an extensive 5-step water filtration process that includes reverse osmosis filtration and activated oxygen injections. The result? Fresh tasting delicious drinking water for your employees. Ask us about how your business can claim a free trial for our new PW90 water purification system.


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